
The 20130831 beta release (repeater)

Hi Folks

This release is of particular interest to users of the DV-RPTR V2 hardware/firmware, although there are changes all around:

1. Make DV-RPTR V2 handling better. For some reason the firmware sends nonsense to the repeater every so often, just random garbage. This was causing the repeater software to get confused and stop operating, this has been fixed.

2. Catch exceptions and other C++ changes in the D-Star Repeater. These aren't visible changes but may help from time to time when things go a little amiss in the software.

3. Add TX Delay to the DV-RPTR V2 modem in the D-Star Repeater. IMHO this was a silly omission from the DV-RPTR V2 firmware, however it has now been rectified. There is a setting within the D-Star Repeater Config program for it.

And that's it.

Sorry for being quiet, but I'm now in full-time employment and my time is more limited than it was, even if my bank account is much healthier (IC-7100.....???). Also this last week I was on the end of a rather poor Internet connection which didn't help.

Jonathan G4KLX

The 20130726 beta release (Repeater)

Hi Folks

A small update this time, and for many of you, maybe not even worth upgrading!
The changes are:

1. Restore D-Star Repeater window position on startup.

2. Allow for the error reply to be disabled. This is the main reason for this
release. By default the D-Star Repeater (and the changes only apply to that
program) will reply when it receives a transmission with an incorrect RPT1
value, the users radio can use this information to update its RPT1 and RPT2

However in cases where two repeaters have an overlap in coverage, this can be a
problem. In parts of Europe this is unavoidable due to our limited bands and
high population density. This error reply, in those circumstances are annoying,
this new configuration option switches these error replies off.

This beta release is SVN revision 518. Please do not use any distributions that
aren't supported via one of my Yahoo! groups.

Jonathan G4KLX

The 20130702 beta release of the D-Star repeaters

Hi Folks

The 20130702 beta release of the D-Star repeater has just been made. It can be
found in the Files -> Beta area of the Yahoo! group. The changes relative to the
last beta release are:

1. Added daemon info to the logs. This is being done to all of my software so I
can see the version and type more easily in the logs.

2. Changes to the internal buffering. It's a little simpler now, and that makes
me happy. I like to keep things as simple as possible.

3. Remove the Analogue Repeater from the Repeater package.

4. Remove the DCSGateway, DExtraGateway, and ParrotController from the Repeater

5. Add a DC blocker to the sound card GMSK demodulator. This should help people
who have a DC component on the incoming audio, on normal audio this isn't much
of an issue, but on D-Star it can make the GMSK demodulator less sensitive. This
change affects the Sound Card Repeater and the sound card support in the D-Star

6. Implement GMSK PLL locking. This is only implemented in the sound card
support of the D-Star Repeater and mimics the way that GMSK demodulator chips
work, I hope. Not that Icom implement it on their repeater units :-)

And that's it. The SVN revision of this is 507, could package maintainers only
use this SVN revision for the 20130702 beta release of the D-Star repeaters.

Jonathan G4KLX

The 20130725 beta release (ircddbGateway)

Hi Folks

This release isn't very special, although it does include a number of changes to
the DExtra hosts file to reflect new reflectors coming on-line. The changes are:

1. Added daemon info to the logs. So I know which version you are running.

2. Fixed STARmet Digital configuration bug in ircDDB Gateway Config.

3. Restore ircDDB Gateway window at startup.

4. Added DCS023 and DCS044.

5. Added XRF121, XRF444, XRF858, and XRFWDX.

6. Updated XRF901s IP address.

The SVN revision number for this release is 516.

Please do not use any releases of my software that are not supported via one of
my Yahoo! groups. Package maintainers should be answerable to the wider
community and to me, for when they cock up.

Sorry for the slow rate of development, but I've been very busy with real life
just recently.

Jonathan G4KLX

The 20130622 beta release (ircddbgateway)

Hi Folks

Item (1) is the major change in this version.

1. Allow multiple links to co-operating DExtra reflectors. This will only work
with the XReflector currently, but I hope that dxrfd will be upgraded as soon as
possible. This change will break compatibility with dxrfd until it is upgraded.

2. Merge the *_Hosts.txt files in the ircDDB Gateway Config program. As

3. Allow for the extra digit in the frequency to be handled by the GUI.

4. Updated REF047s IP address.

5. Added XRF310.

If you don't use DExtra reflectors then this release is only a minor upgrade,
but if your system uses dxrfd based systems then please be careful. Item (1)
above is only a minor change but because of some extraordinarily short sighted
design decisions with dxrfd it breaks compatibility.

I have *not* changed the actual DExtra protocol, that is the same as it's always
been. What has changed is that outgoing links from the gateway now use UDP ports
other than 30001, as a side not the gateway still listens on UDP port 30001 for
incoming links. Each new outgoing link has a different UDP port so that
differentiating between links becomes trivial and there is never any confusion.
This is the method adopted by both D-Plus and DCS for multiple links between a
gateway and a reflector so it's not some technique that I've invented. With this
change DExtra can become a first class linking protocol.

Jonathan G4KLX


The 20130622 beta release (repeater)

Hi Folks

The changes in this one are:

1. Added XRF310.

2. Try overlapped serial I/O under Windows again. This is a revised version of
what I did before, feedback will be most appreciated.

3. Add the serial port PTT control to the D-Star Repeater. By popular demand....

4. Add /dev/ttyS* devices to the serial control list. Linux only of course.

5. Added a receive level setting to the sound card driver in the D-Star
Repeater. I missed this out, oops.

6. Fixed bugs in the D-Star Repeater regarding end of incoming transmissions.
The fix worked for the DV-RPTR V1, it'll probably do the same for the others too

Note: I am releasing a beta of the gateway today also. None of the changes made
affect the ability of this software to work with older gateway versions, the
simultaneous release is just by chance.

Jonathan G4KLX